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2588: [InvadersMustDie] - Next Prodigy Album Let's listen this one with... MILEY!!! From Prada with Love!
Fri 23:03 10 April

2587: [Climbatize]
Fri 22:35 10 April

2586: <3
Fri 22:33 10 April

2585: [Narayan]

3470: - Daddy. I'm lost. - Where are you my child? - Somewhere between plane and ground. - Have you packed your parachute? I don't know. I'll check.

3471: I love you Miley. My love is your parachute. Our love is your parachute. Love of your fans. Love of people who believe in You and your songs. I'm with you! We're with you baby. Always. Don't be lost. Have us. Enjoy. Be calm heart. Look at mine.
Fri 22:21 10 April

2584: [FatOfTheLand] ? Let's Go with Miley! x 1.000.000

3468: Miley. My heart is yours forever baby! I am sure that we are cross dimensional cross being souls. I'm glad to meet you again baby!

3469: Miley
Fri 21:46 10 April

2583: [Omen] - Prodigy

3467: It's an Omen It's an Omen It's an Omen Now! The writing's on the wall It won't go away It's an Omen You just run on automation Now! The writing's on the wall It won't go away It's an Omen It's an Omen It's an Omen Now! The writing's on the wall It won't go away It's an Omen You just run on automation Now! Now! Now! The writing's on the wall It won't go away It's an Omen You just run on automation Now! The Writing's on the wall It won't go away It's an Omen It's an Omen It's an Omen Now! It's an Omen Now! Now! Now! Now!
Fri 21:39 10 April

Fri 21:34 10 April

Fri 21:33 10 April

2580: Miley my baby! When you'll be with you show again? I miss you so much!

3466: Will You Merry Me Baby?
Fri 21:25 10 April

2579: [CostaRica] - Where it lays?
Fri 20:13 10 April

2577: I think for me now it's time to fix flags because not all re-directing to Cia FactBook.

3464: I those photos.
Fri 19:11 10 April

2576: If you want to just print this all shit, you can use ASCII mode. But it'll be without pictures and without all the rest of magic I am trying to create all the time. For Miley & for Us.
Fri 19:09 10 April

2575: So... in case of internet bandwidth brake down... I got a way to emergancy delivering you fresh messeges. Stay close people. Stay safe. Miley's loving us! And we're loving each others.
Fri 19:01 10 April

2574: Look's like it's working. I don't know how's it working... but it's working. Thank's God!
Fri 18:57 10 April

2573: New "ASCII" part of MindRiver: Magazine is here. Thanks Miley for explaining that "It's a climb!" <3 I love you! Please. Back with you super show. Be cool.
Fri 18:54 10 April

2572: Miley. Come back. I miss you.
Fri 18:50 10 April

2571: 🍕 UTF-8 subsets > [link] 😇

3463: Nice and happy funny.
Fri 16:16 10 April

2570: I got no limits in bandwidth I got no limits in bandwidth! I am in heaven I am in heaven.
Fri 16:10 10 April

2569: Yeah! This is something to be proud of! G# Major & A Pentatonc Major
Fri 16:07 10 April

2568: Wanna see something I did yesterday?

3461: I love you love it! It's Major G#. Best way to practice with SIA's [Fire_Meet_Gasoline] Do you know this song? Don't forget to tune your guitar first.
Fri 15:46 10 April

2567: Don't slap my ass Miley! Please!

3459: She's comming!

Fri 15:41 10 April

2566: [TruningTumble] - Really Creative Thing to See! (This is how your website should work!?)
Fri 15:37 10 April

2565: Need to perform emergency pure ASCI book-state of this blog. In case of bandwidth brake down.

3457: I got some very nice and cool idas. Will you wait a bit to see it?

3462: No.... too much work for nothing. I gives up this option.
Fri 14:52 10 April

2564: This shit is becoming Xbox like. I don't like it!

3458: What the fuck is that? Xbox?
Fri 14:49 10 April

2563: God Bless Orange FunBox Zapraszam sąsiadów do skorzystana z darmowego WiFi. Hasło: FreeSexHereLOL Hahaha.

3453: T-Mobile [NieMamTakiejIkonki]

3454: Ale bym Wam pokazał!

3455: Chyba sobie nawet zrobię z tej okazji.

3456: Nie ma co jak szybki internet. Powiem inaczej. Nie ma co jak jakikolwiek internet! Hehe.
Fri 14:36 10 April

2562: Wniklikwa obserwacja dzisiejszego dnia, pozwoliła mi zauważyć to, że gołąb zachowuje się prawie jest pies. Podobnie rozkminia, podobnie się czochra. A zatem możemy gwizdać na gołębie tak jak na psy. Łiuuu... Łiuuu... Czarek. Choć. Noga.

3451: Może nie przybiegnie jak pies, ale napewno zrozumie. Z drugiej strony widzieliście kiedyś gołębia zakopującego kość? Ma po prostu inne nawyki. Założyć gniazdo. Znieść jaja. Pies nie znosi jaj. Ja natomiast lubię na śniadanie.

3452: Little Mix
Fri 9:33 10 April

2561: A teraz kawał: Wiecie co się stało jak w Afryce (gdzieś tam) założyli Call Center w jakieś firmie telefonicznej? Murzyni się pobili o tą laskę która odbierała telefony, a przeciążenie linni było tak ogromne, że trzeba było zamknąć Call Center.
Fri 9:17 10 April

2560: Skecz dnia: "Russians Go Home!" Ja bym Hiszpanom też nie ufał bo tam się rus rozplenił już dawno! Tj. hiszańskim mediom bo tam pijany mexykanin rządzi. Ten spod kaktusa z tekilą! A w telewizji leci corrida na okrągło. Też ruski patent. Chwytanie za słowa i kwestie. Przejaskrawianiwe aspektów... wszystko tylko po to, żeby wcisnąć swojego huja wszędzie gdzie się tylko da. Czas przepędzić moskala. Jak za starych dobrych patriotycznych czasów. Szabelką na rumaku. Jak Wołodyjowski i Zagłoba. Jak Józef Piłsudzki. To sprawa honoru!

3442: Ten kraj nie wniósł nic do rozwoju cywilizacji prócz Łady Samary. Tak im się tam niewolnictwo podoba, że nie zajmują się niczym innym. Mamy XXI wiek! Hello!

3443: Ja się tam nie wybieram i nie chcę, żeby oni się tutaj wybierali. A wy sobie zrobicie jak chcecie. Aha... pisząc Rosja mam na myśli CCCP. To co Gagarin miał na hełmie. Tak więc... Ukrainy, Białorusie, Estonie, Czeczenie, Kosowa, Zagrzebie, Slowenie... no visa! A w zamian! Turasów i Hindoli. Tylko sprawdzić czy to nie rosjanie. ,o) :-)

3444: Za co? Za Rambo III i za Smoleńsk! I Katyń i Wołyń i Kursk i inne takie... ruskie popisy. Za Polowanie na Czerwony Październik! Za co jeszcze? Musimy nawiązać pakt z Królową Angielską. Koniec z Ruskim w polskich szkołach. Wysiedlać, przesiedlać. Z urzędu.

3445: Ja wam tylko mówię, a Wy se zrobicie jak chcecie! Chodzi o to: "Żeby Polska była Polską!" Potrzebny jest kolejny "zryw patriotyczny"! Coś w tym stylu.

3446: Ja bym wykorzystał to, że Hindole i Turasy nie lubią Ruskich. Dodatkowo bym jeszcze podpisał kontrakt z każdym krajem w Afryce na przysyłanie Afrykańskich studentów na Erosmusa. Czas zacieśnić przyjaźć Polsko - Afrykańską. Dla nas to jest super orient, a dla nich to są po prostu zwykłe jaja. Od czego Ministerstwo Dyplomacji? Zabierać się za pisanie listów z życzeniami świątecznymi! Sam się zabieram! Najpierw te kraje w ogóle trzeba odnaleźć na mapie!

3447: Polacy. Pomóżmy Afryce! Razem wspólnymi siłami jesteśmy w stanie pojednać zwaźnione Afrykański ludy! Jedyne co musicie zrobić to przesłać życzenia dowolnemu królowi afrykańskiej wioski. Albo po prostu do ambasady.

3448: Pytania nasuwają się tylko dwa. W których krzakach jest Afrykańska ambasada i czy działa im tam WiFi?

3449: Bez pierdolenia. Pokażcie mi Polską telewizję która streamuje -y na YouTuba. A teraz policzcie Afrykańskie telewizje które to robią. W sumie to przygarnąłbym sobie jakąś pełnoletnią murzyneczkę. Jak się Miley zgodzi. - NIET!!!!

3450: I zamiecione.
Fri 8:03 10 April

2559: Polacy! Przepędźmy razem Rusa. Wspólnymi siłami! Ja bym zamknął granice i poodbierał obywatelstwa. Czemu? Bo nie ma dżemu! Nie poto Bóg im dał taką śmieszną i w sumie głupkowatą mowę, żeby teraz "ruski szatan" nas najeżdżał i mścił się za to, że go przepędzili z Rosji. Hehe! (To jest apel James Praday do polityków!) (Rosja dla Rosjan!)

3441: My w godle mamy orła a oni sierp i młot! Orzeł nie poleci z sierpem i młotem. Prosta matematyka. Niech zabierają swoje pierogi ruskie i paszoł won!
Thu 22:08 9 April

2558: Jak ktoś coś sabotuje, albo coś nie działa... to znaczy, że to są Ruskie Manewry.

3439: Słyszeliście o Korona wirusie w Rosji? Hehe! Rusek jak staje przed lustrem no nie wierzy, że to jest on i jak ma tam ktoś uwierzyć w korona wirusa? Gdyby nie dostali wolnego to by nikt tam nie uwierzył w żadnego wirusa. Jakby ktoś we wsi padł, to by znachorki powiedziały, że to podagra albo świeżb.

3440: Też mnie bardzo interesuje jak learze np. w Polsce (która słynie z "proszę wypierdalać do kolejki i wrócić za miesiąc") robią błyskawiczne testy na Korona Wirusa. Patyczkiem?
Thu 21:25 9 April

2557: Pizza, Browar, darmowe 0-700 i chuj! Fiesta na Barbadosie!

3430: Jak mam wytłumaczyć Miley co to jest 0-700?

3436: Może by zrobić taką usługę: "Kup sobie starter za 5 PLN i zarejestruj swój telefon jako SEKS TELEFON!" Hehe... Poważna sprawa! Może się udać! #CallMe #SmsMe <---- TAM!

3437: Może po prostu #SexPhone #SeksTelefon na Twitterze? Oczywiście 18+

3438: To może być hit tego lata!
Thu 20:28 9 April

2556: Akcja finansowana z budżetu EU: "Mój telefon jest moim przyjacielem!" - Szanuj swój telefon! Jeśli rozbije Ci się szybka zgłoś to w Ogólnopolskim Centrum Wsparcia Psychologicznego. Nie wahaj się zadzwoń już dzisiaj! Numer poleci po dzienniku o 20:00. Nie dziś to jutro.
Thu 20:13 9 April

2555: MindRiver: Magazine zaprasza na wiosenny "Hit Plaży!" > "O-700 is BACK!"

3429: Super oferta dla kur domowych! Nowo otwarte "Ministerstwo Rozwoju Seksu i Cyfryzacji Wsi", ogłasza ogólnoposlki nabór Voice-modelek do "0-700". Ogólnopolska akcja: "Całodobowe pogotowie erotyczne!" sponsorowana przez Unię Europejską! Co się stało z niemieckimi Ruf-Anami? Czyżby ich brak był przyczyną kryzysu gospodarki i rozwoju korona wirusa?

3431: W ramach akcji: "Całodobowe pogotowie erotyczne!" każdy obeywatel i obywatelka, będą mógli dowoli skorzystać z bezpłatnej pomocy operatorek pracujących z domu w dogodnych dla siebie godzinach pracy. Mariolka co robisz po pracy? A nic. Dorabiam w "07 zgłoś się".

3432: Jakie są kryteria naboru na Voice-modelkę? Gdzie odbywają się kastingi na Voice-modelkę? Ile zarabia Voice-modelka i kto jej płaci? Od kiedy połączenia 0-700 do darmowe? Co to w ogóle za pomysł?

3433: W sumie to wiem dlaczego padły niemieckie Ruf-Any. Bo dziewczyny były zastraszane przez zboczeńców. Kto więc jest odpowiedzialny za wyłożenie się Ruf-Anów? Już wiadomo kto! Ministranci nasłani przez proboszcza!

3434: Państwo powinno dbać o takie rzeczy jak "Pogotowaia Erotyczne!" Przynajmniej eksperymentalnie. Kraść pieniądze to potrafią! A jak socjalnie trzeba coś zrobić naprawdę pożytecznego to nie ma kto! Co można zrobić w Państwie w którym "Królem" jest ruska Armia i tajne ruskie służby w środku polskiej armii, które służą Leninowi, który już dawno spoczął w mauzoleum? Bardzo kurwa jest to wsyzstko ciekawe! Pewnie jeszcze zastraszają polityków żeby nic nie robili! - Hehe. Nie trzeba ich zastraszać bo ich powytruwaliśmy niczym pluskwy i robactwo. - No w końcu jakoś "niewidzialną ręką" trzeba rządzić podbitym krajem!

3435: Ja was tylko ostrzegam. Uważajcie co wam dorzucają do kawy i drożdżówek! I kto wam je podaje!
Thu 18:45 9 April

2554: Zimbabwe flag is very similar to rainbow flag. And rainbow flag...

3428: Where the is Zimbabwe? It's amazing how big and huge is this world. Do you want to travel to Zimbabwe to see Zimbabwe?
Thu 18:12 9 April

2553: Fire Meet Gasoline [sia] Hello Miley... I got problems with WiFi...
Thu 17:00 9 April

2552: What the fuck is wrong with T-Mobile's internet?

3426: I am having real problems with my fucking Wi-Fi! Actually it's not Wi-Fi issue, give me tissue. It about somebody's making jokes. These are poor kind jokes.

3427: Miley. Are you also having problems with your WiFi?
Wed 22:50 8 April

2551: Imagine that we are together. We siting in other rooms. And what we are doing? Who we are? We need to build perfect "Ninja Smurf Village". This is grate idea! Like African Village but with Wi-Fi and solar panels. With toilets and gas. Wait a minute. Fuck this! Holly cow! I'm living in Smurfs Village already! Oh My God! No... no... no... I live in first floor. I got too much distance to the ground! I need to feel the solid earth with my bare feet. "Smurfs Ninja Village". The Perfect idea! Typical American shit town. I love it! The guys from Africa brings best solutions to Hollywood!
Wed 22:37 8 April

2550: I am writing for Miley. I am writing for my love one. There need's to be way to make's everybody happy. My dream is that everybody's are preatty happy. Am I preatty happy? Well... if I got pizza? If I'm full of it... If I'm haveing coffie... and If I'm having date today... with Miley... I think I could be very happy.
Wed 21:59 8 April

2549: Being alone is perfect. But I need you. Women. Lot of people are hurting eachother by being together all the time. The perfect idea is to live alone in little houses but very close to eachother. Like Smurfs. Exacly! Like Smurfs. Does smurfs eat pizzas? No! So you need to combine Smurfs shit with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle's shit... I mean pizza and you will have perfect combined solution for being hardcore happy all the time. "Smurfs Ninja Village". What's this? Can I go there? I need to go there! I need to live there! Do you want to be happy with me? In Smurfs Ninja Village"? Yeah! But are you Smurf or rather Ninja? BOTH!!!
Wed 21:57 8 April

2548: Yeah! 21:13. I'm having internet crisis. At the front of my window on the other side of the street, some homeless guy smokeing cigaret and eating his sipper. I don't think it's perfect place for him. He's staring at me because he is quite similar to me. I prefere he'll be somewhere else. But I don't care. I like to have "my own space". My own peace. But let him be!! It's a kind of guy who's saying hello to the people in cars in the morning. Asking them for money. Selling them prayer's balls. I don't care. I even like it. I am saying hello to him and good bye. Like everybody else. He's kind of wizard and magic man, you know. Just like lonely blogger. We are just users of "Matrix". If "Matrix" is reality... we're just swimming in it. Just like You! Every day by day.
Wed 21:52 8 April

2547: Miley is perfect muse. But I don't care about muses. I am writing to her. Straght into her heart. Her and nobody's else. I'm not a genius! I am just loonely guy. Waiting for the train. On a empty train station. Like neo in "Matrix". "When finally train will come I don't care where it will takes me... coz we will be together. Like Sia's Cheap Thrills...
Wed 21:48 8 April

2546: Well... I think if love poem or love letter is good it's belong to whole planet. To all people hungry of it. That is why... YOU should always use such a form - perfect for reader. When I am talking to YOU you know that it's about YOU ALONE. It's just a trick. If I will be writing or saying: "Hey people" that won't fit's You because YOU are not ALL the people. YOU ARE YOU! Not them ALL and you are not ALL! Problem solved!

3425: Construction of language itself can be confusing. You... is You (one person). But in English (You means also We) when somebody is saying about us. Do you get it? So! We are not ONE person! English language is making from people, ONE BIG FAMILY.
Wed 21:41 8 April

2545: There's such a wonderful full moon today. It's shining on my love. On my beloved love. Miley.
Wed 21:38 8 April

2544: Emergency version of MIndRiver: Magazine. Builded in case of internet transfer brake down. Without pics. Just lyrics. I mean poems.
Wed 21:37 8 April

2543: What is UpWest.com?
Wed 19:17 8 April

2542: I don't like him. He tried to scared my little baby!
Wed 19:13 8 April

2541: Who wants famous Japan Green Pizza?!!?
Wed 19:08 8 April

2540: [Yukan_App] - Go Off-Line to Save the World. So cool action! I want to go Off-Line with Miley Cyrus!

3424: Hey! Come on guys! I was just kidding!
Wed 18:40 8 April

2539: Ok! Zapraszam na nowy czacik MindRiver: Magazine. Można podszkolić Japoński i przy okazji pooglądać ładne bilbordy.

3423: Jak powszechnie wiadomi, czas jest kwadratowy.
Wed 18:23 8 April


3420: My love is so sweet!

3421: You are so sweet baby!

3422: Well... I mean Miley not Bill Murray or some Cowboy.
Wed 15:53 8 April

2537: Hmm...
Wed 15:49 8 April

2536: Remember that JQUERY library (in your page code) must always load before page style CSS!

3419: You would rather write more & do less? Is that true? Hmm...
Wed 13:41 8 April

2535: You are perfect! You are God! You are beautiful! You are marvelous! You feel good! The day is beautiful. You are love. You are happy! You are funny! You are the best! You can do it! You love to read good things about you & and write good things about me! You are my sunshine! You are the reason I'm smiling! You are...

3418: Call it trick!
Wed 12:53 8 April

2534: Now you can wait until super chat will appear here in MindRiver: Magazie

3417: Or maybe not!
Wed 12:44 8 April

2533: You found it! You will be able to learn Java Query in no time soon!

3415: You can it if you like!

3416: "You this.. You this... You this... Do this... Do this... Do this..."
Wed 12:34 8 April

2532: Miley Rain, Miley Snow, Miley Baby... I don't know!
Wed 12:01 8 April

2531: Hello. I'm doing this motherfucking chat! Fucking Java Script. Fucking Fuck! Fuck Java Script and PDO and Safari Crew.

3410: Bunch of losers who comfort each other that they're great.

3411: FuckFuckingFaceBook! And all other fucking shit involving motherfucking Java Script! Fuck Java Script! Who's fuck is responsible for creating fucking Java Script?! Fuck, fuck, fuck... :-#

3412: Stupid motherfuckers!

3413: Miley I should buy myself some books about Java Script? That'll be total hardcore!

3414: Miley = Maybe
Wed 10:47 8 April

2530: 00:07 Miley
Wed 9:07 8 April

2529: Life is fucking shit! Tommorow I need to go skateing even when it'll be raining.
Tue 23:44 7 April


3408: Fuck Coding and Development! It's deep shit for nothing! Any job is better than this shit! Ok... not being journalist or police officer. Or... lawyer or doctor. That's it!

3409: Coding is unnecessary evil if you have to stay home because it's fucking corona fucking virus around the world.
Tue 23:35 7 April

2527: I think after month I will know well all the countries flags.

3407: Howdee Ho
Tue 23:10 7 April

2526: So... let's play... some AcDc

3403: Is that okey with you Miley?

3404: Need to pick up good song.

3405: Okey. Let's hold on with AcDc... i got some good album!

3406: Night at the Opera - But my battery died! No recording for Miley today!
Tue 23:08 7 April

2525: Hanna Miley Ashley... can you sing The Sky Is A Neighborhood? - [Link]

3400: Okey... Look. Boys will play your old songs their way with Jack Black as a guest + you will same as you did... and you will re-new all your Hannah Montana songs? Sell's some albums... Play some shows... in the middle of fucking Super Bowl. Sounds good?

3401: Baby it sounds like barbecue with cold beer!

3402: John Madden's [Popcorn_Popper]
Tue 22:45 7 April

2524: Foo Fighters + Hannah Montana = Hardcore Tasty Idea!

3399: Call Dave...
Tue 22:32 7 April

2523: You should take your old songs... save vocal and record... new all the rest... Baby. Ask Foo Fighters! They will gladly help you!

3393: [Nate] can I ask you for a favor? Can you dig with Taylor in old Hannah Montana songs? We need to make a rock songs from it. But good rock songs... not some bullshit you know. It's a big thing! Hannah Montana's back! Can you help her... and the rest of the world? I think Dave would be happy singing back vocal. Thank you man! I always knew that you are the most important in Foo Fighters!

3394: Call Miley and ask her for chords.

3395: Or maybe you can figure it out by yourself with boys.

3396: I can send you email with chords if you want? I know Foo Fighter's twitter.

3397: Longer pauses between her vocal. She cannot sing all the time. There's need to be time for rock riffs and rock... Imagine how much money you will earn. Hanna Montana Rocking with Foo Fighters. Fuck.

3398: It would better then Jimi Hendrinx resurrection.
Tue 22:12 7 April

2522: Ok... that will be list of my songs for Miley. 1) getitright 2) 4x4 3) AcDc _ Big Gun 4) AcDc - Let There Be Rock 5) AcDc - TnT 6) AcDc _ For Those About to Rock 7) Alestorm - Drink 8) Airbourne - its all for rock'n'roll 9) Airbourne - No way but a hard hay 10) Alestorm - Heavy Metal Pirats 11) Alestorm - That famous old spice 12) Alestorm - Midget Saw 13) Ava Max - So Am I 14) Ava Max - Sweet But Psycho 15) Beyonce - Halo 16) Beyonce - Sweet Dreams 17) Birdy - People Help People 18) Birdy - Skinny Love 19) Casino Royal - You know my name 20) Chris Cornell - Black Hole Sun 21) Daugther - Lifeforms 22) Daugther - Medicie 23) Daugther - Shallows 24) David Guetta - She Wolf (Sia) 25) Do My Thang 26) FU 27) Foo Fighters feat. Srej Tankin - Hollyday in Cambodia 28) Guano Apes - Kumba Yo! 29) Hands in the Air 30) Ironic - Alanis Morisette 31) LSD - Audio (sia) 32) LSD - No new friends now 33) Lil Nas X - Old Time Road 34) Limp Bizkit - Mission Impossible 35) Limp Bizkit - Boiler 36) Maybe You're Right 37) Metallica - Whiskey in the Jar 38) Adore 39) Milay Cyrus - Bad Mood 40) Drive 41) I Would die for you 42) Inspired 43) LOVE Money Part... 44) Love So... 45) Malibu 46) Missy Yo... 47) Mother's Daugter (I need to charge my phone...)

3392: With such a fucking crazy playlist the phone should charge by itself...
Tue 22:07 7 April

2521: [Miley] - What The Fuck is That?

3384: It was You?!! ??


3386: So funny!

3387: Well... it's s-u-p-e-r!

3388: I don't know your old songs.

3389: Was it your songs?

3390: Don't worry if not.

3391: I think it was nobody's songs. What a mess. Baby... do you want check my mp3 on my phone?
Tue 21:37 7 April

Tue 21:21 7 April


3376: I need the top ten of Hannah Montana like characters who had a most influence on planet earth. I can say only: Ann from Green Hill, Pipi, Selena Wizard... Well I am not expert but Hannah Montana is in quite good company...

3377: There's nothing to laugh about. It's serious job!

3378: Miley you are angel and you know it! And I don't know why you don't want to call you angle...

3379: Yeah probably there was a time in your life when you found motherfuckers as a hero's. Do you still feel the same? I don't know. Bad ass means something good? Well... Miley. I think you should watch your tongue!

3380: Miley. We need to talk.

3381: Open you heart and listen the song of the moon. Close your eyes and forget about all world. Where it takes you when it takes you nowhere? Are you lost? Did you lost your way? Hear the wisdom of your ancestors. Make them proud. Be good girl. Have fun. Build the love. Be love. Ommmmmm.... Ommmmm...... Ommmmmm.....

Tue 20:49 7 April

Tue 20:40 7 April

Tue 20:36 7 April


3375: Fuck Let's Go!
Tue 20:30 7 April

2514: Little Mix
Tue 20:25 7 April

2513: Okey. I did lot today. Thank you very much.
Tue 20:15 7 April

2512: Miley meets Ariana again.
Tue 20:06 7 April

2511: I will tell you joke: Son askin dad: - Daddy. Does in Bostwana people believe in Jezus? - No my son. They belief in cocoses there.
Tue 19:52 7 April

2510: Okey! Soon I will connect all flags to CIA World's Fact Book. I will do it for Miley! Baby... I love You You You You You You....

3373: I am doing this for Miley. Everything I am doing I'm doing for Miley! I am psycho-fan!

3374: Fuckin' 400 links. I'll cut my head off.
Tue 19:37 7 April

2509: [Vilmari] What's this? "Mobility & convenience = Rent a car or lend your own car."

3372: How can I lend my own car? I don't have a car!
Tue 19:11 7 April

2508: Ok. Powtarzamy wiedzę z zakresu znajomości tablic w PHP. Dobrze, że zjadłem bo teraz już mam czym wymiotować.

3369: $arr[?] = array('name' => '?', 'site' => '?');


3371: Abra Cadabra Hocus Pocus... I love Miley!
Tue 17:52 7 April

2507: Kicia przeszła ulicą to zaśmierdziało jej wodą kolońską aż na czwartym piętrze. Ale dżez.

3368: Wiosna.
Tue 17:51 7 April

2506: Ok. Let's go with those flags. Should I use... array or database? I have no idea about this and this.
Tue 17:47 7 April

2505: The secret in approach to stars (like Miley) is to understand that above all fame and carrier... she is just normal hyper sensitive child who needs protection, care, OUR open heart and border-less infinite love. We need more empathy! If we understand her... we understand who we are.


3367: Oh My! I need to save my emojis!
Tue 17:24 7 April

2504: Oh! No! I need to fix emojis! Because they all has rounded corners.
Tue 16:48 7 April

2503: Watch out for old ladies with some psychedelic patches on backpack who throwing themselves under your feet in local store.
Tue 16:42 7 April

2502: Behind the scene. True story. Base on facts. "Miley Cyrus was saved my life!" Oh My God!

3365: Need to write this article... but Tomorrow.
Tue 16:37 7 April

2501: [JamesBrown]
Tue 16:15 7 April

2500: Fuck me bitch! (I mena... love me my love!)

3358: Can somebody stop it so I can watch it?

3359: Scandinavia looks like small dick and Africa like big sick balls! Australia is chasing them and Americas looks like knows nothing about anything. And this is our planet. Long story short.

3360: Some countries are not from this planet but don't worry!

3361: So I'll have another joke. Why Scandinavia looks like small dick? - Because is fucking cold there! Okey. And why Africa looks like big sick balls? - Too much sex! Okey. And why Australia is chasing them? - Because they want to go to US.

3362: You tell me if it's funny or not.

3363: I think this world is going too fast!

Tue 15:52 7 April

2499: 1 Ascension Island 2 Andorra 3 United Arab Emirates 4 Afganistan 5 Antigua & Barbuda 6 Anguilla 7 Albania 8 Armenia 9 Angola 10 Antarctica 11 Argentina 12 American Samoa 13 Austria 14 Australia 15 Aruba 16 Aland Islands 17 Azerbaijan 18 Bosnia & Herzegovina 19 Barbados 20 Bangladesh 21 Belgium 22 Burkina Faso 23 Bulgaria 24 Bahrain 25 Burundi 26 Benin 27 St. Barthelemy 28 Bermuda 29 Brunei 30 Bolivia 31 Caribbean Netherlands 32 Brazil 33 Bahamas 34 Bhutan 35 Bouvet Island 36 Bostwana 37 Belarus 38 Belize 39 Canada 40 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 41 Congo - Kinshasa 42 Central African Republic 43 Congo - Brazzaville 44 Switzerland 45 Cote d'Ivoire 46 Cook Islands 47 Chile 48 Cameroon 49 China 50 Colombia 51 Clipperton Island 52 Costa Rica 53 Cuba 54 Cape Verde 55 Curacao 56 Christmas Island 57 Cyprus 58 Czechia 59 Germany 60 Diego Garcia 61 Djibouti 62 Denmark 63 Dominica 64 Dominican Republic 65 Algeria 66 Ceuta & Melilla 67 Ecuador 68 Estonia 69 Egypt 70 Western Sahara 71 Eritrea 72 Spain 73 Ethiopia 74 European Union 75 Finland 76 Fiji 77 Falkland Islands 78 Micronesia 79 Faroe Islands 80 France 81 Gabon 82 United Kingdom 83 Grenada 84 Georgia 85 French Guiana 86 Guernsey 87 Ghana 88 Gibraltar 89 Greenland 90 Gambia 91 Guinea 92 Guadeloupe 93 Equatorial Guinea 94 Greece 95 Sout Georgia & South Sandwich Islands 96 Guatemala 97 Guam 98 Guinea-Bissau 99 Guyana 100 Hong Kong SAR China 101 Heard & McDonald Islands 102 Honduras 103 Croatia 104 Haiti 105 Hungary 106 Canary Islands 107 Indonesia 108 Ireland 109 Israel 110 Isle of Man 111 India 112 British Indian Ocean Territory 113 Iraq 114 Iran 115 Iceland 116 Italy 117 Jersey 118 Jamaica 119 Jordan 120 Japan 121 Kenya 122 Krygyzstan 123 Cambodia 124 Kirbati 125 Comoros 126 St. Kitts & Nevis 127 North Korea 128 South Korea 129 Kuwait 130 Cayman Islands 131 Kazakhstan 132 Laos 133 Lebanon 134 St. Lucia 135 Leichtenstein 136 Sir Lanka 137 Liberia 138 Lesotho 139 Lithuania 140 Luxembourg 141 Latvia 142 Libya 143 Morocco 144 Monaco 145 Moldova 146 Montenegro 147 St. Martin 148 Madagascar 149 Marshall Islands 150 North Macedonia 151 Mali 152 Myanmar (Burma) 153 Mongolia 154 Macao Sar China 155 Northern Mariana Islands 156 Martinique 157 Mauritania 158 Montserrat 159 Malta 160 Mauritius 161 Maldives 162 Malawi 163 Mexico 164 Malaysia 165 Mozambique 166 Nambia 167 New Caledonia 168 Niger 169 Norfolk Island 170 Nigeria 171 Nicaragua 172 Netherlands 173 Norway 174 Nepal 175 Nauru 176 Niue 177 New Zealand 178 Oman 179 Panama 180 Peru 181 French Polynesia 182 Papua New Guinea 183 Philippines 184 Pakistan 185 Boland 186 St. Pierre & Miquelon 187 Pitcairn Islands 188 Puerto Rico 189 Palestinian Territories 190 Portugal 191 Palau 192 Paraguay 193 Qatar 194 Reunion 195 Romania 196 Serbia 197 Russia 198 Rwanda 199 Saudi Arabia 200 Solomon Islands 201 Seychelles 202 Sudan 203 Sweden 204 Singapore 205 St. Helena 206 Slovenia 207 Svalbard & Jan Mayen 208 Slovakia 209 Sierra Leone 210 San Marino 211 Senegal 212 Somalia 213 Suriname 214 South Sudan 215 Sao Tome & Principe 216 El Salvador 217 Sint Maarten 218 Syria 219 Eswatini 220 Tristan Da Cunha 221 Turks & Caicos Islands 222 Chad 223 French Souther Territories 224 Togo 225 Thailand 226 Tajikistan 227 Tokelau 228 Timor-Leste 229 Turkmenistan 230 Tunisia 231 Tonga 232 Turkey 233 Trinidad & Tobago 234 Tuvalu 235 Taiwan 236 Tanzania 237 Ukraine 238 Uganda 239 U.S. Outlying Islands 240 United Nations 241 United States 242 Uruguay 243 Uzbekistan 244 Vatican City 245 St. Vincent & Grenadines 246 Venezuela 247 British Virgin Islands 248 U.S. Virgin Islands 249 Vietnam 250 Vanuatu 251 Wallis & Futuna 252 Samoa 253 Kosovo 254 Yemen 255 Mayotte 256 South Africa 257 Zambia 258 Zimbabwe 259 England 260 Scotland 261 Wales

3357: All other unlisted by British Queen shit holes are officially declared as Lands of Pirates!
Tue 15:48 7 April

2498: There's 261 flags.

3353: This little boy from that photo... I know who he is!

3354: He's Keiichi Tsuchiya! Drift King!


3356: What a nice and touching story.
Tue 14:08 7 April

2497: I hope she's fine!

3349: I need to do this fuckin' flags. Aaaaa.... Okey! I will do it for Miley!

3350: If I have to do something and I don't want it... I'm telling myself that I'm doing this for her.

3351: And then my heart stops and get froze and I am feeling like she's licking it.

Tue 13:32 7 April

2496: I think new era is comming for Prada's MindRiver: Magazine!

3343: I know what Miley is saying. - Well... I don't want to kissing one whole hour with SIA at #BrightMinded but I will do that for fans and we can pretend that we like it and it gives us some pleasure. Yeah! We can do it for fans.

3344: - Miley. Call Diplo. Aaaa... what a thrill! SIA - No fucking way! - Whaaaaat???!!!!

3345: Sorry... why my pics are up side down after I click it?

3346: Miley do you know something about car tuning? And drifting? Baby can you do it for you country?

Tue 13:12 7 April

2495: Gazu... kur... gazu... !!!
Tue 12:55 7 April

2494: Muzycy klasyczni wypowiadają wojnę raperom i hip-hopowcom! Oto co ma do powiedzenia naczelny Szopen Dyrygent i Kompozytor kraju... (jeszcze nie na tak bardzo upragnionej emigracji)

3341: Nie dam rady tego wypowiedzieć.

Tue 12:12 7 April

2493: [TotallyAddictedToBass]
Tue 12:03 7 April

2492: [OldTimeX]
Tue 11:50 7 April

2491: I am collecting money for a ticket to Miley. And then we go mountains.

Tue 11:45 7 April

2490: - Panie Prada czy zamierza Pan kandydować na prezydenta? - Hehe. Jeszcze nie oszalałem doszczętnie. Nie ma takiej opcji! Prędzej na mnicha w klasztorze Shaolin. - A gdyby Pan kandydował, to jakie byłoby Pana hasło Kampanii reklamowej? - Hasło kapanii reklamowej? Niech pomyślę! O! Już wiem! "JEBAĆ... tfn!" (No... tą słynną telewizję ruską na EN!)

3334: Apeluję do wszystkich dziennikarzy, żeby odchodzili z redakcji, bo dają dupy! Opamiętajcie się! Ileż można okłamywać samych siebie?!!! Jak wam nie wstyd?!!! Zastanówcie się nad swoim postępowaniem!

3335: Jest tylko jedna słuszna telewizja! - Jaka, jaka, jaka...

3336: - Jak to jaka? #FashionTV

3337: Hehe. Nie oszukujmy się. Telewizja publiczna jest tylko po to, żeby "jebać niedobitków". Może wreszcie w czasach tego korona wirusa połapiecie się, ze lepiej sobie obciąć głowę niż włączać i oglądać telewizję publiczną. Hehe.

3338: Spragnionym informacji polecam Super Bowl! Hehe.

3339: Szukam ligi krykieta...
Tue 11:37 7 April

2489: Miley
Tue 11:29 7 April

2488: [Oto] czego nie wiedzieliście o piwie bezalkoholowym, a musicie sobie przeczytać po ang. bo goście z Polskiej wikipedii... nie zarabiają tyle ile powinni bo nikt ich kurwa nie sponsoruje.

3332: Jebanych kurwa filantropów, brak jest w tym kraju, a specjalnego pierdolonego budżetu na ten cel nie ma, tak?! Kurwa mać! To skandal!

3333: Wspierajcie Pradę i Wikipedię łosie durnowate!
Tue 11:27 7 April

2487: [SuperBowl] - Kansas vs. San Francisco (???)

3330: Just testing quality of exporting JPG from GIMP. First is 0, then 10, 20 & 30. I think I like the most that 0 quality. Quite interesting view!

3331: I think I like Super Bowl! Is little like wrestling in jelly. Oh! And I love #WWE too!
Tue 10:09 7 April

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